

1 Botany name : Abrus precatorius
Tamil name : Kundumani
Habit        : Climbing shurb
Parts used : Roots, seeds, leaves.
Constituens : Seeds contain poisonous proteins and the roots contain glycyrrhizin.
Action : Leaves are laxative, expectorant and aphrodisiac, seeds are purgative,
emietic,tonic antiphlogistic, aphrodisiac and anti- opthalmic.

2 Botany name : Acacia arabica
Tamil name : Karuvelam
Habit : Tree
Parts used : Bark, gum,leaves, seeds and .pods.
Constituents : Gum contains arabic acids combined with calcium magnesium and potacium.
Action : Astringent, demulcent,aphrodisiac,nutritive and expectorant. bark is
powerful astringent.pods are expectorant.

3Botany name : Acalypha fruticosa
Tamil name : Siru chinniI
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Leaves and roots..
Action : Alterative, attenuate ,stomachic, antibilios and alexipharmi.

4 Botany name : Aacalypha indica
Tamil name : Kupai meni
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Whole plant
Constituents : Acalypus and acaliphine.
Action : Cathartic, antihelmintic, emetic, expectorant, emmenagogue, anodyne,
hypnotic and stomachic.

5 Botany name : Achras zapota
Tamil name : Zapota
Habit : Tree
Parts used : Fruit
Constituents : Glucosides, alkaloid and sapotin.
Action : Tonic, febrifuge and diuretic.

6 Botany name : Aachranthes aspera
Tamil name : Nayurivi
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Whole plant
Constituents : Fruit contains a large percentage of alkaloid and ash containing potash.
Action : Leaves are astringent, diuretic, alterative and antiperiodic root is purgative
and anti-lithic. abortifacient, uterine sedative, emetic and emmenagogue and parturifacient.

7 Botany name : Achiranthes aspera
Tamil name : Chennayurivi
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Whole plant
Constituents : Similar to white variety.
Action : Leaves are astringent, diuretic,alterative and antiperiotic root is
purgative and anti-lithic. abortifacient, uteri sedative, and emmenagogue and parturifacient.

8 Botany name : Adathoda tranqubarensis
Tamil name : Thavasu murungai
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Leaves
Constituents : Rich in proteins and vitamin A B and C
Action : Carminative expectorant, diuretic and injecticide.

9 Botany name : Adathoda vasica Adhatoda zeylanica
Tamil name : Adathodai
Habit : Shrub
Parts used : Leaves, roots, flowers and barks.
Constituents : A Volatile essentiol oil, fat resin, a bitter non volatile, alkaloid called
vasicine, an organicacid “ADOTHODIC ACID” The antiseptic properties of the leaves is due to the volatic princeple.
Action : Expectorant, diuretic, anti-spasmodic and alterative.

10 Botany name: Aegle marmelos
Tamil name : VilvamI
Habit          : Tree
Parts used : Fruit [both ripe and unripe] root bark, leaves, rined of the ripe and flowers.
Constituents : The pulp contains mucilade, pectin, sugar tannin, volatile oil and ash. the
wood-ash contains potassium and sodium compounds, phosphates of lime and iron, calcium c
arbonate, magnesium carbonate, slica etc. leaves yield an oil.
Action : Rip fruit is sweet, aromatic, cooling, alterative and nutritive. unripe fruit is
astringent, digestive, stomachic, and little constipative. pulp, is stimulant, antipyretic and
antiscorbutic, fresh juice is bitter and pungent.

11Botany name : Agati grandiflora
Tamil name : Agathi
Habit : Shrub
Parts used : Leaves , flowers, bark.
Constituents : Vitamin A ,C,& D,leaves are rich in calcium.
Action : Astringent, laxative, refrigerant,digestive, cooling, antidote.

12Botany name : Agave americana
Tamil name : Aanai katraalai
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Root,leaves,and gum
Constituents : Agavose which is an inactive sugar and saponins.
Action : Roots is diuretic and anti-syphiltic. sap is laxative, diuretic,
emmenagogue and anti scorbutic.

13Botany name : Allium cepa
Tamil name : Vengaayam
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Bulb and seed
Constituents : Bulk contains an acrid volatile oil which contains sulphar, essential oil and organic
sulphides. outer skins of the bulb contains a yellow colouring matter called quercetin. fresh red
onion contain albuminoids, solible carbohydrates, woody fibre and ash etc. onion aiso contain some amount of sugar.
Action : Oil contain in the bulb is stimulant , diuretic and expectorant. bulb is
emmenagogue. externally it is stimulant and rebefacient. juice of the onion is aphrodisiac,
stimulant and expectorant. eaten raw it is also diuretic and emmenagogue.

14 Botany name : Allium sativam
Tamil name : Vellai poondu
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Bulb
Constituents : It contains vitamins A, B, C, and protein. oil is extracted frome the garlic. it contains
allin and allinase. allyl propyl disulphide is prepared from the bulb.
Action : Carminative stomachic, alterative, stimulant, expectorant, anthelmintic,
diuretic and tonic . garlic tones up breast and uterus muscles.

15Botany name : Aloe indica
Tamil name :Chotrukkaththazhai
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Leaves.
Constituents : It contains amixure of glucosides collectively called ‘ALOIN’.
Action :Stomachic, tonic in small doses purgative and indirectly emmenagogue and anthelmintic.

16 Botany name : Alternanthera sessilis
Tamil name : Ponnanganni keerai
Habit : Creeping herb
Parts used : Whole plant
Constituents : Rich in minarals and gold
Action : Refrigerant, diuretic, demulcent cooling, febrifuge and alterative.

17 Botany name: Anacardium occidentale
Tamil name : Mundhiri
Habit : Tree
Parts used : Nut false fruit and bark
Contituents : Two peculiar principle i. e. anacartic acid and a yello oleaginous liquid cardel.
Action : Fruit is diuretic and stimulant. kernal is tonic and aphrodisiac bark is astringent.

18 Botany name : Anamirtta cocculus seed ( fish berry)
Habit : Climbing Shrup
Parts used : Seed
Constituents : Picrotoxin, Cocculin and Anamirtin.
Action : Emetic ,Parasiticide and Narcotic.
This Transquilises The Fishes. The Seeds Are Used To Eradicate Lices. This Is Also
Used In Treating Epilepsy, Paralysis And Head Ache.For The Boils And Feruncles This Is Used
As An External Application. The Seed Are Also Used To Cure Ashthma.

19 Botany nmae : Ananas sativus
Tamil name : Annaasi
Habit : Short stemmed terresrtrial
Parts used : Ripe and unripe fruit and leaves
Constituents : Juice contains a protein digestive ferment which acts eqully well in acid or
alkalline intestinal secretion. ash contains acids of sulphur and phosphorus, lime, megnesium, silica,
iron, chlorid of potassium and sodium.
Action : Fresh fruit juice of the leaves are purgative anthelmintic and germicide.
juice of the ripe fruit is anti-scorbutic, diuretic, diophoretic, refrigerant and help in the digestion
of albuminous substances. unripe fruit in large quantities is abhotifacient.

20 Boatany name : Andrographis echinoides
Tamil name : Kopuramthaangi
Habit      : Herb
Parts used : Tuber
Action : Alterative, expectorant and febrifuge.

21 Botany name : Andrographis paniculatas
Tamil name : Nilavembu
Habit : Herb
Parts used     : Whole plant
Constituents : Leaves contain an essential oil and kameghin is extracted from this plant.
Action : Roots and leaves are stomachic, tonic, antipyretic, alterative,
anthelmintic,febrifuge, choagogue, hepatic, stimulant and antiphloglistic.

22 Botany name: Anisochilus carnosus
Tamil name : Karpuravalli
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Leaves
Constituents : Volatile essential oil
Action : Volatil oil is stimulant, diaphoretic and expectorant.

23 Botany name: Annona squamosa
Tamil name : Seetha
Habit : Tree
Parts used : Fruits, leaves, bark,root and seeds.
Constituents : Seeds yield an oil, amorphous alkaloid and toxic resin.
Action : Fruit is cooling and cholagogue. seeds and leaves are anthelmintic,
detergent and insecticide. roots is purgative. bark is astringent and toxic.

24 Botany name: Arachis hypogaea
Tamil name : Verkkadalai
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Nut and the kernal of the seed
Constituents : An edible oil vanilline is prepared frome the shell of the fruit.
Action : Seed is nutrient, laxative, emollient, tonic and cholagogue.

25Botany name : Aristolochia bracteata
Tamil name : Aadutheendaapaalai
Habit : Shrub
Parts used : Herb, seeds and leaves and “almost every part of the plant”
Constituents : A Volatile substance, an alkaloid and salts.
Action : Anthelmintic, purgative, emmenogogue,stimulant,alterative, anti-periodic and tonic.

26Botany name: Aritolochia indica
Tamil name : Eesuvaramooli
Habit : Twiner
Parts used : Roort,rhzome [stem] and leaves
Constituents : It contains an aromatic oil, isoranillin, arists linsdure and aristolochiasdure.
Action : It is stimulant, emmenagogue, emetic abortivum, antidote.

27Botany name : Artocarpus integrifolius
Tamil name : Palaa
Habit : Tree
Parts used : Fruit, seeds leaves and root
Constituents : Fruit contains carbohydrates and albuminoids. wood contains morin and cynomaclurine.
seeds contain starch.
Action : Ripe fruit is demulcent, nutritive and laxative. unripe fruit is astringent. seeds,
latex and root are astringent.

28Botany name : Averrho acida
Tamil name : Arunelli
Habit : Tree
Parts used : Fruit, seeds and leaves
Constituents : Fruit contains vitamin ‘ C’
Action : Diaphoretic, antibilious, laxatives are mucilaginous and demulcent
seeds are cathertic.

B 30 Botany name : Bassia longifolia
Tamil name : Iluppai
Habit                : Tree
Parts used : Seeds and bark
Costituents : Seeds contain fatty oil called ‘ bassia oil’
Action             :  Bark is astringent and emollient. flowers are stimulant and anthelmintic.

31 Botany name :  Bassia obtusifilia
Tamil name : Vellai thagarai
HabitA : Tree
Parts used : Bak and leaves..
Constituents :  Glucosides and chrysophanic.
Action              : Bark, leaves and seeds are cathartinic.
roots is considered expectorant. leaves are anthelmintic and antiseptic.

32 Botany name : Bergera koengii
Tamil name : Kariveppilai
Habit : Tree
Parts used : Bark, root and leaves
Constituents  :  Leaves contain a volatile essential oil and vitamin ‘A’ &’B’
Action :  Leaves, bark and root are stomachic, root is slighly purgative.

33Botany name :  Blumea balsamifera
Tamil name :  Narakkaranthai
Habit :  Herb
Parts used : Whole plant
Action            : Astringent, anthelmintic, sudorfic, carminative
and expectorant

34  Botany name : Bombax pentandru
Tamil name : Ilavam
Habit : Tree
Parts used : Gum, unripe fruits, seeds,flowers,roots and leaves
Constituents : Seed contain oil
Action : Juice has tonic, alterative, astringent, aphrodisiac and laxative properties, dried flowers are demulcent.
roots are stimulant and tonic effect. unripe fruit are rearded
as demulcent and astringent.

35  Botany name : Borassus flabellifer
Tamil name : Panai maram
Habit    : Tree
Parts used : Bark,roots,flowering stalk, and fruit.
Constituents : Fat and albuminoids
Action : Root is cooling and restorative. pulp from the unripd fruit is diuretic, demulcent and nutritive. t
erminal bads are nutritive and diuretic toddy is stimulant and antiphlogestic tender kernal is demulcent, nutrient and diuretic.

36 Botany name:Calotropis gigantea
Tamil name  :Erukkan
Habit : Shrub
Parts used : Root, root-bark, leaves and flowers
Constituents :Resins, caoutchoue, akudarin and calotroin.
Collection &storage:For medicinal uses the thic. rough corky
epitermis of the bark should be sraped off before the root bark is
reduced to powder.
Action   :This drug is like digitalis on the heart root
bark is alterative, tonic, antispasmodic, expectorent and in large
doses emetic. flowers are digestive, tonic, stomachic and expectorent.
milky juice is a violent, purgative, rubefacient and deodorant.
leaves are anthelmintic, alterative and stimulant.

37 Botany name :Capsium annum
Tamil name  :Milagaai
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Fruit
Constituents :Capsium and solanine
Action      :A Powerful local irritant, heart and general stimulant, stomachic and tonic.

38 Botany name  : Cardiospermum halicacabum
Tamil name :Mudakkatraan
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Roots, leaves, seeds and the herb
Constituents :Seeds or fruits yield an essential oil and saponin.
Action     : Root and the leaves are diuretic, laxative, stomachic, alterative and emetic. it is externally rubefacient.

39 Botany name :Carica papaya
Tamil name :Pappali
Habit :Tree
Parts used :Fruit, milky juice, leaves and seeds
Constituents :The milky juice contains papain. this is similar to
pepsin, dry fruit contains soda, pottash and phosporic acid. leaves
contain carpie and carposide.
Action      :Papain is cabable of digesting fresh blood fibrane in
4 to 5 hours at the temprature of 50* c juice of the green fruit is emmenagogue and rubefacient. ripe fruit is disestive and fruit is laxative and diuretic.


40 Botany name:Cassia angustifolia
Tamil name :Nila avaarai
Habit      : Tree
Parts used :Pods and dried leave.
Constituents:Pods and leaves contain catharin.
Action      :Catheric, anthelmintic, purgative and diuretic.

41 Botany name :Cassia fistula
Tamil name  :Sarakkonrai
Habit        :Tree
Parts used   :Pulp of the fruit, roor-bark, flower, pods
leaves and roots.
Constituents :The powderded fruit contains a volatil. pulp,
consists of sugar, gum, gluten,colouring matter, and watter.
Action       :Demulcent, laxative, vermifuge, xpectorant anti-prutic and purgative.

42 Botany name  :Cassia auriculata
Tamil name   : Aavaarai
Habit         : Tree
Parts used    :Roots, leaves, flowers, bark and seeds
Constituents :Bark contains tannin
Action       :Flower, leaf and bark are tonic and astringent,
seeds are refrigerant and attenuant. root in decoction is used as alterative.

43 Botany name :Cassia sophera
Tamil name  : Mykkonrai
Habit       : Tree
Parts used   :Flowers and bark
Action        :Diuretic and ant-rhematic

44 Botany name :Citrullus vulgaris
Tamil nmae    :Tharppoosani
Habit :Climber
Parts used :  Seeds and the juice of the pulp of the fruit
Constituents :  Seeds and yield a oil proteids and citrullin
Action               :  Seeds are cooling, demulcent, diuretic,
vermifuge, and nutritive. pulp is cooling and diuretic. fruit juice is cooling and refreshing.

45 Botany name  : Citrus acida
Tamil name : Elumichambazham
Habit : Tree
Parts used : Leaves and fruit.
Costituents : Rich in vitamin ‘C’ oil contains citrol pectin.
citric acid and anti-scorbutic acid.
Action              : Fruit is refrigerent, stomachic, appetizer
and antiseptic.

46 Botany name  : Citrus media
Tamil name : Naaraththai
Habit                :  Smaal tree
Parts used : Rind, juice and oil
Constituents : Oil is expressed from the rind of the fruit.
it contains citrine or limonene, citrol, cymene and citroneleal.
Action              : Yellow pulp is stomachic. rind is aromatic, stimulant, tonic, and antiscorbutic. fruit juice is refrigerant,
astringent, digestive, antitoxic, aromatic and stomachic.

47 Botany name  :  Clerodendron inerme
Tamil name : Sangam kuppi
Habit :  Shrub
Parts used : Leaves and juice of the roots and the leaves.
Constituent :  Leaves contain a bitter princeple. resin, gum
and ash contains sodium.
Action               :  Tonic, febrifuge and alterative. leaves are mucilaginous, bitter fragrant, cholagogue, antiphlogistic, expectorant, antisyphilithic, anti-rheumatic, alexipharmic and antidote.

48 Botany name  : Clerodendron phlomoides
Tami name :  Thaludhazhai
Habit : Small tree
Parts used : Leaves
Constituents : Oil is extracted from the leaves
Action                : Leaves are alterative and tonic. root is
aromatic and astringent. oil is anti-rhuematic.

49 Botany name  : Coccinia indica
Tamil name :  Kovai
Habit :  Climber
Parts used : Whole plant
Constituents : Root contains resins and the plant contains glucokenin.
Action             : Plant is diaphoretic, stimulant,diuretic and
cooling, leaves and stem are antispasmodic and expectorant, fruit is

50 Botany name  : Cocos nucifera
Tamil name : Thennai
Habit : Tree
Parts used : Whole plant
Constituents : Fresh kernel is rich in protein, fat lignin,
sugars and inorganic subatanches. oil is expressed from the dried
flesh of the mutt. coconut water contains proteins, fats, minerals
and carbohydrates, fermented toddy contains proteins, calcium and phosphorus. coconut addition to
oil contains free caprylic acid in glycerides of lauric, myristic, palmitic and stearic acid.
Action             : Coconut milk is refrigerant , nutrient,
aperients, diuretic and anthelmintic. coconut water is cooling
demulcent and aperients. tender flesh is refrigerant and diuretic .
juice of the terminal bud is refrigerant and diuretic. fermented oil from
the shell is rubefacient, antiseptic and used externally. root of the cocoanut is diuretic.

51 Botanynname  : Coelosia klernii
Tamin name : Maanchevikkalli
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Whole plant
Constituent : Euphobon, gum, resin, caoutceouc and malate
of calcium.
Action               : Milky juice is in small doses purgative
in large doses an acrid, counter irritant and emitic.

52 Botany name  : Coriandrum sativum
Tamil name : Koththamalli
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Whole plant
Constituents : Plant contains albuminoids and soluble
carbohydrates. fruits yield a volatile essential oil, fixed oil
which contains fat, muscilage, tannin and malic acid.
Action              : Fruit is aromatic, stimulant, carminative, stomachic, antibilious, refrigerant, tonic,
diuretic and aphrodisiac. fresh leaves are pungent and aromatic.

53 Botany name  : Cucumis sativus
Tamil name :  Vellarikkaai
Habit :  Creeper
Parts used : Fruit, seeds and leaves.
Constituents :  Seeds contain fixed oil, starch, resin and
sugar fruit is in mineraks.
Action              :  Fruit is nutrient, demulchent, refrigerant, diuretic, antiscorbutic, stomachic and antidote,
ripend fruit is hydrogogue and expectorant,seeds are cooling and diuretic.

54 Botany name  : Cuminum cyminum
Tamil name : Seeragam
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Fruit or seeds and an essential oil.
Constituents : Fatty oil, resin, mucilage gum,protein, compounds,maleates and an essential oil,
a valuable essentialoil ‘THYMEN’ rich in ‘CARVON’ obtained from the seeds. seeds also
contains cumind or cumic aldehyde, a mixture off hydrocarbons,
cymene or cymol, terpene etc.
Action             :  Seeds are carminative, aromatic, stomachic ,stimulant and astringent. seeds are cooling in effect.

55 Botany name  : Curcuma amada
Tamil name : Maankaai inji
Habit :  Herb
Parts used : Rhyzome
Constituents :  Essential oil, resin and aromatic organic acids.
Action              : Carminative,cooling, aromatic, stomachic and astringent.

56 Botany name  : Curcuma longa
Tamil name :  Manjal
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Tubers or rhizomes.
Constituents : An essential oil, and alkaloid, curcumine
turmeric oil and caproic acid.
Action              : Aromatic, stimulant, tonic, and carminative,
juice is anthelmintic.

57 Botany name  : Cyamopsis tetragonoloba
Tamil name : Koththavarai
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Pods, seeds,and foliage
Constituents : Rich in proteins
Action              :  Bilios, rheumatic, antidote and cholagogue.

58 Botany name  : Cyanotis cristata
Tamil name : Kuthirai kulambadi
Habit :  Creeping herb
Parts used : Leaves root.
Action             : Anti-rheumatic, deostruent,diuretic and

59 Botany name  : Cynodon dactylon
Tamil name : Arugambul
Habit :  Perennial grass
Parts used : Herb, root-stalk and leaves
Action          : Astringent, alterative, styptic, diuretic,
emollient, stomachic and referigerant.

60 Botany name :  Cyperus rotandus
Tamil name : Koraikkizhangu
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Tuber or bulbous root.
Action              : Astringent, stimulant, diuretic, diaphoretic, demulcent, emmenagogue,
vermifuge and lactagogue.


61 Botany name : Deamia extensa
Tamil name : Uththamani
Habit               :  Twiner
Parts used :  Leaves, roots and bark
Constituents : Leaves and roots contain an alkaloid named daemine.
Action              : The plant is externally irritant. flowers
and leaves are emitic, expectorant, anthelmintic, stomachic,
anti-rheumatic, vermifuge and vulnerary root is purgative.

62 Botany name : Datura alba
Tamil name : Oomathai
Habit               : Herb
Parts used : Leaves
Constituents : Leaves and seeds contains a poisonous alkaloid daturine. seeds also contains hypocyanime, astropine, and hyoscine.
Action : Emetic, antispasmodic, anodyne and narcotic.

63 Batany name :Datura fastuosa
Tamil name     :Karuvumathai
Habit              :Herb
Parts used :Leaves and capsule
Constituents    :Leaves and seeds contain a poisonous alkaloid daturine. seeds also contains hypocyanime, atropine and hyoscine.
Action              :Emetic, antispasmodic, anodyne and narcotic.

64 Botany name :Delonix elata
Tamil name :Vaadhanarayanan
Habit :Tree
Parts used :Leaves
Action             :Febrifuge, antiperiodic, antirheumatic and stimulant .
65 Botany name :Delonix regia
Tamil name     :Mailkonrai
Habit :Tree
Parts used :Bark, leaves and fruit .
Action             :Astringent, anti-rheumatic, laxative and cooling.

66 Botany name  : Eclipta alba
Tamil name : Karisalaanganni
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Whole plant
Constituents : Ecliptine
Action               : Alterative, deobstruent, hepatic and tonic. root and leaf are cholagogue.

67 Botany name : Eclipta prostrata
Tamil name : Manjal karisalaanganni
Habit :Herb
Parts used : Whole plant
Action             : Emetic, alterative, deobstruent, carminative, refrigerant and demulcent.

68 Botany name  : Eleusine coracana
Tamil name :Kelvaragu
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Seeds
Constituents : Albuminoids and starch and proteins.
Action              :Astringent and nutrient.

69 Botany name : Emblica officinalis
Tamil name : Nelli
Habit : Tree
Parts used : Fresh and dried fruits, the nut leaves, root bark and flowers.
Constituents : Fruit are rich in vitamin ‘C’ and pectin. fruit is edible and an oil is extracted.
Action               : Fresh fruit is refrigerant, diuretic, laxative, carminative and stomachic. dried fruit is sour and astringent. flowers are coolig and aperient. bark is astringent.


70 Botany name  : Enterrolobium saman
Tamil name :Thoongumoonjimaram
Habit : Tree
Parts used           : Fruit and leaves
71 Botany name : Ervatamica coronaria
Tamil name : Nandhiyavattam
Habit : Shrub
Parts used : Latex flowers and root.
Constituents : It contains coronaridin, montanine, and terpinoids.
Action                : Flowers and roots are anthelmintic, acrid, purgative and vermicide.

72 Botany name  : Erythrina indica
Tamil name :Kalyana murungai
Habit : Tree
Parts used : Leaves, flowers and bark
Constituents : Leaves contain two resins a bitter poisonous alkaloid erithrine.
Action                  : Bark is antibilious, expectorant, febrifuge and anthelmintic. leaves are diuretic, laxative emmenagogue and galactagogue.

73 Botany name  : Eucalyptus globulus
Tamil name : Eucalyptus
Habit : Tree
Parts used : Dry leaves, gum and oil, distilled from the fresh leaves.
Constituents : Leaves contain volatile oil.
Action                 : Leaves are febrifuge,carminative, analgesic, antiphilogestic and expectorant. eucalyptus oil is powerfully antiseptic and disinfectant. eucalyptus increases the flow of saliva, gastric and intential juices andthus increases appetite and digestion.


74 Botany name  : Eugenia jambolana
Tamil name : Naaval
Habit               : Tree
Parts used       : Fruit, leaves, dried seeds and bark.
Constituents    : Seed contains jamboline, phenolic substance, an essential oil, fat, resin, gallic acid and albumen. bark contains tannin and kinolic gum.
Action            : Bark leaves and seeds are astringent, and stomachic. berry is astringent juice of the fruit is stomachic, astringent, diuretic and demulcent.

75 Boatany name : Euphorbia antiquorum
Tamil name : Sathurakkalli
Habit :Small tree
Parts used : Stem, root and root-bark.
Constituents : Dried juice contain euphorbin two resins and gum.
Action                   : Purgative, emetic, alterative, stomachic, rubefacient and vesicant

76 Botany name  : Euphorbia nerifolia
Tamil name : Ilaichevikkalli
Habit : Shrub
Parts used : Root and whole plant.
Constituents : Euphorbon, resin malate of calcium and gum.
Action                 : Juice is purgative and expectorant. root is anti-spasmodic.

77 Botany name : Euphorbia tirucalli
Tamil name : Thirugu kalli
Habit : Small shrub
Parts used : Bark and whole plant.
Constituents : Euphobon, gum, resin, caoutchouc, and malate of calcoum.
Action                 : Milky juice is in small doses is purgative in large doses an acrid, counter-irritant and emetic. externally it is rubifacient.

78 Botany name  : Evolvus alsinoides
Tamil name :Vishnu kiranthi
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Whole plant
Constituents : A Yellow fat, an alkaloid, an organic and saline substances.
Action               : Tonic, alterative, febrifuge, anthelmintic and antiphlogistic.

79 Botany name : Ficus benghalensis
Tamil name : Aalamaram
Habit : Tree
Parts used : Milky juice and bark
Constituents : Bark and youg buds contain tannin wax and caoutchouc.
Action              : Bark is tonic, alterative and demulcent milky juice is aphrodisiac, demulcent and refrigerant,root is astringent.

80 Botany name : Ficus glomerata
Tamil name : Aththi
Habit : Tree
Parts used : Root,root-bark, leaves fruit, milky-juice and galls.
Constituents : Wood possesses tannin and wax. the ash containing silica and phosphoric acid.
Action : Bark, leaves and unripe fruit are used in dysentry. the tonic of the fruit is a laxative and used in the treatment of piles, paralysis, and cough also it improves blood [cordial]

81 Botany name : Ficus religiosa
Tamil name : Arasamaram
Habit : Tree
Parts used : Leaves, bark, and seeds .
Constituents : Root bark contains tannin, cochotone and wax.
Action : Seeds are cooling, laxative, refrigerant and alterative, young leaves and shoots are purgative, bark is cooling, astringent .laxative,aphrodisiac and tonic.

82 Botany name : Glycyrrhiza glabra
Tamil name : Adhimadhuram
Habit : Tree
Parts used : Peeled root, leaves .
Constituents : Root containes glycyrrhizin, phosphoric, sulphuric and malic acids and mineral salts.
Action : Tonic cooling demulcent, diuretic, emollient and laxative, in unani medicines it used in disease of liver bladder and lungs.

83 Botany name : Gymnema sylvestre Gymnema sylvestre
Tamil name : Sirukurinjaan
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Root and leaves
Constituents : Dried leaves contain resin and gymnemic acid.
Action : Leaves are astringent, stomachic, stimulant, refrigerant, anti-periodic and stomachic.

84 Botany name : Heliotroium indicum
Tamil name : Siriyathelkodukku
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Stem, leaves and flowers.
Constituents : Stems and leaves contain tannin, a non-crystalline organic acide and an alkaloid soluble in ether.
Action : Diuretic, emmolient and anodyne.
85 Botany name : Hemidesmus indicus
Tamil name : Nannaari
Habit : Twining herb
Parts used : Root, root-bark, and the juice of the plant.
Constituents : Cowmarin, a volatile oil hemidesmine, stearoptin called as smilasperica cid
Action : Root is a valuble alterative, tonic, demulcent, diaphoretic
and diuretic ,it also possesses the sudorific and alterative
properties of jamaica sarasaparilla. plant is a blood purifire,
tonic, appetizer and emollient.

86 Botany name : Herpestis monnieria
Tamil name : Neerbrammi
Habit : Creeping plant
Parts used : Whole plant, root stalk and leaves.
Constituents : Plant contains brahmine .
Action : Leaves are externally antiparasittic and powerfuly
discutient. internally alterative, bitter vermifuge and anodyne.
root is tonic febrifuge, expectorant and diuretic. fruit is
nervine,cepalic and emmenagogue. dried fruit acts as a vermifuge.
flowers are cooling and astrigent

87 Botant name : Hibiscus esculentus
Tamil name : Vendai
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Fruit
Constituents : The fruit contains albuminoids, soluble carbohydrates,
woody fibre and ash.fresh capsules abound in a copius bland vicid
mucilage which consists of pectin and also salt of photash, lime and magnesium.
Action : Emollient, demulcent, diuretic, cooling and aphrodisiac.

88 Botany name : Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Tamil name : Chigappuchemparaththai
Habit : Shrub
Parts used : Roots, flowers, seeds and leaves.
Constituents : Rich in anthocyanin. oil is extracted from the flowers and leaves.I
Action :Flowers are refrigerant, emollient, demulcent. and aphrodisiac,
also emmenagogue.dark red petals are demulcent. leaves are emollient,
anodyn and aperient or laxative.

89 Botany name : Hydrocotyle asiatica
Tamil name : Vallaarai
Habit : Herb
Parts used : The whole plant, leaves, fruits, roots, twigs,
seeds etc. roots are the most active part of the plant
Constituents : An oleaginous white crystalline substance ‘VALLARIN’
is the active principle of the leaves, resin and some fatty aromatic
body, gum, sugar, tannin, albuminoids, matter,salt mostly alkaline
sulphates. vellarin has the odour and bitter taste of the fresh plant.
Action : Alterative, tonic, diuretic, and local stimulant, especialy
of the cutaneos system and a bitter substitute. it also has an
emmenagogue action.

90 Botany name : Hygrophila spinosa
Tamil name : Neermulli
Habit : Herb
Parts used : The whole plant
Constituents : Roots contain an alkaloid named hygrosterol seeds
yield fixed oil which hassweet taste. oil contains myristic,
palmitic, and stearic acids.
Action : Root is cooling, bitter, tonic, diuretic, demulcent and refrigerant. seeds are
diuretic and aphrodisiac.leaves are demulcent and diuretic. ashes of the plant are diuretic.

91 Botany name :Impatiens balsamina
Tamil name :Kasithumbai
Habit         :Herb
Parts used     :Flowers and whole plant
92 Botany name:Indigofera enneaphylla
Tamil name    :Cheppu nerunjil
Habit         :Herb
Parts used :Whole plant
Constituents :Indican, the oxdized frome the luc-indico is
obtained frome the fermentation of the fresh plant this yield
Action        :Juice is the alterative, also antiscorbutic
and infusion of the plant is alterative, diuretic, febrifuge,
cooling and refrigerant. indico is antiseptic and astringent.

93 Botany name :Indigofera tinctoria
Tamil name     :Avuri
Habit          :Shrub
Parts used     :Plant ant expressed juice [indico]
Constituents   :The oxidized product of the juice contains
chiefly indigotin or indigo-blu
Action         :Stimulant, antiperiodic, analgesic, germicide.
alexipharmic and antidote.

94 Botany name :Jasminum pubescens
Tamil name :Malligai
Habit :Shrub
Parts used :Leaves and flowers
Constituents:An Aromatic oil is extracted from the flowers
Action : Plant is emetic. flowers are lactifuge.

95 Botany name :Kaempferia Galanga
Tamil name :Kacholikizhangu
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Rhzizome and leaves,
Constituents:Rhzizome contains an essetial oil
Action : The tubers are Diuretic,Carminative,Stimulant and Expectorant,.

96 Botany name: Lawsonia inermis (Henna)
Tamil name : Azhavanam
Habit : Shrub
Parts used : Leaves, bark, flowers and seeds
Constituents : Leaves yield a colouring matter. seeds yield a
fragrant otto or oil. the whole plant contains glucoside.
Action : Bark is alterative, sedative and astringent.
leaves are astringent, detergent and deodorant. flowers are
refrigerant and soporfic. root bark is astringent.

97 Botany name: Leucas aspera
Tamil name : Thumbai
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Whole plant
Constituents : Flowers contain an essential oil an alkaloid.
Action : Flowers are stimulant, expectorant, aperient,
diaphoretic, insectiside and emmenagogue. plant is laxative,
antipyretic, expectorant, stimulant, emmenagogue, antidote
and alexipharmic.

98 Botany anme :Mangifera indica
Tamil name :Maamaram
Habit :Tree
Parts used :Fruit, Kernal,Leaves, Bark,Gum and flowers
Constituents:Ripe fruit contains gallic acid, bark contains atnnin. the kernal inside the stone contains gallic acid, tannin and starch.
Action : Fruit is laxative, diuretic, diaphoretic, astringent and refrigerant. ripe fruit is laxative and diuretic. unripe fruit is acid, astringent and tonic. gum is astringent, kernal is anthelmintic and astringent.


99 Botany name: Melia azadirachta
Tamil name : Vembu
Habit :Tree
Parts used :Leaves, flowers, fruit, seed, oil and bark.
Action :Root bark and young fruit are astringent, tonic andantiperiodic.bark is bitter,tonic,astringent, antiperiodic and also vermifuge. fruit is purgative, emollient and anthelmintic. leaves are dicutiuent and leaf juice is anthelmintic. oil from muts and leaves is a local stimulant,injectiside and antiseptic flowers are stimulant, tonic and stomachic gum from the bark is astimulant and demulchent tonic toddy is refrigerant,nutrient and alterative tonic . the drug also possesses antispirocuaetal and emmenagogue properties.

100 Botany name :Mentha sativa
Tamil name :Puthina
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Leaves
Constituents :Leaves and flowering tops contain a volatile essential oil.
Action :Astringent, refrigerant, stomachic, stimulant,diuretic, carm and anti-spasmodic.

101 Botany name :Mimosa pudica
Tamil name :Thottal chinungi
Habit :Herb
SHAPE  \* MERGEFORMAT Parts used :Root and leaves
Constituents :Root contains tannin and ash.
Action :Plant is resolvent, alterative and carminative,root is aphrodisiac. juice is antiseptic, alterative and blood purifire.

102 Botany name: Mimusops elangi
Tamil name : Magizha maram
Habit : Tree
Parts used : Bark, flowers, fruit and oil of the seeds.
Constituent : Bark contain tannin, catchouc and wax flowers contain a volatile oil seeds contain fatty oil pulp of the fruit contain large sugar and saponin.
Action : Flowers, fruit and bark are astringent, bark is also tonic, acrid and febrifuge.

103 Botany name :Momordica charantia
Tamil name :Pagal
Habit :Climbing Herb
Parts used :Fruits ,seeds and leaves
Constituents :Mimordicine, fruit contains albuminoids and carbohydrates.
Action : Fruit is tonic, stimulant, stomachic, emetic, antibilious,laxative. fruit pulp, leaf juice and seeds are anthelmintic. leavetact as galactogue, anthelmintic, abortificients and lactagogue.

104 Botany name :Morinda tinctoria
Tamil name :Nunaa
Habit :Small Tree
Parts used :Leaves,fruits and roots.
Constituents :Root and root-bark yield abright, red-dye “moindin”
Action :Root is cathartic and astringent, fruit and leaves are deobstruent, emmenagogue, tonic and febrifuge.

105 Botany name :Moringa oleifera
Tamil name :Murungai
Habit :Tree
Parts used :Bark, root,fruit, flowers, leaves, seeds and gum.
Constituents :Bark contains a white crystalline alkaloid, resins an organic acid, mucilage and ash. root yeids an essential oil which is very pungent and offensive in ordour. the husked seeds yield a clean almost colourless oil, named as ‘moringa oil’ the gum is insoluble in water.
Action :Fresh root is acrid and vesicant, internally stimulant, diuretic and antilithic. gum is bland and mucilaginous.seeds are acrid and stimulant . bark is emmenagogue and abortifacient. flowers are stimulant, tonic and diuretic. the plant is cardiac, circulatory. tonic and antiseptic

106 Botany name :Mukia scabrella
Tamil name :Musumusukkai
Habit :Climber
Parts used :Leaves and root
Action :Expectorant and astringent

107 Botany Name:Nelumbium Alba
Tamil name :Thamarai
Habit :Aquatic Herb
Parts use :Whole Plant
Constituents :Rhizome and Seeds Contain Resins, Tannin and an
alkaloid Nelumbine .
Action :Seeds are demulcent and nutritive, filaments and
flowers arecooling,sedative, astringent, cholagogue ,
and diuretic,refrigerant and expectorent,
root is demulcent.

108 Botany name :Ocimum basilicum
Tamil name :Thiruneertru pachchai
Habit :Shrub or Herb
Parts used :Whole plant
Constituents :Leaves contain an essential oil which contains new terpene.
Action :Diaphoretic, carminative, stimulant. seeds are mucilaginous, demulcent,aphrodisiac and diuretic.
leaves are fragrant and aromatic. juice of the plant is anthelmintic. root is febrifuge.

109 Botany name :Ocimum sanctum
Tamil name :Thulasi
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Whole plant
Constituents :an essential oil
Action :Demulcent,expectorant and antiperiodic. Root is febrifuge, seeds are mucilagenous and demulcent.

110 Botany name :Odina wodier
Tamil name :Othiya maram
Habit :Tree
Parts used :Leaves and bark
Constituents :Bark contains tannin and ash contains considerable quantity of potassium carbonate.
Action :Astringent, tonic,and disinfectant, styptic, resolvent and deobstruent,

111Botany Name :Pedalium murex
Tamil name :Yaanai nerunjil
Habit :Herb
Parts use :Whole plant
Constituents :The four angled spiny fruit contains a mucilaginous
alkaloid fat, resin, gum,and ash.
Action :Leaves are antibilious. seeds are demulcent,
diuretic,tonic, muscilaginous and Aphrodisiac.

112 Botany name:Phaseolus mungo
Tamil name :Pachchai payaru
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Seeds and tender parts
Constituents :Seeds contain albuminoids and starch
Action :Seeds are nutritious. in large quantities
it is an aperients.

113 Botany name:Pyllanthus niruri
Tamil name :Keezha nelli
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Whole plant
Constituents :Rich in potassium
Uses :This is an ideal Medicinal plant to cures
jaundice,For cobra bite. This also approved very effective
in treating liver. Spleen and kidney inflammation.This purifies the blood too. dysentery and dyspepsia.

114 Botany name :Piper nigrum
Tamil name :Milagu
Habit :Climber
Parts used :Dried Unripe fruit
Constituents :A Volatile alkaloid Piperine and piperidine.
Action :Black pepper is acrid, Pungent,hot, carminative,
and antiperiodic. Externally it is Rubefacient,stimulant
and resolvent., on the mucous membrane of the urethra it acts
like cubebs. piperin is mild antipyretic and antiperiodic.

115 Botany name :Pistia stratiotes
Tamil name :Aakasa thaamarai
Habit :Offset
Parts used :Leaves and petiole
Constituens :Plant contains mineral salts and silicic acid ash contains potassium chloride and sulphate.
Action :Refrigerant, demulcent, laxative, and emollient.

116 Botany name:Pongamia glabra
Tamil name :Pungan
Habit :Tree
Parts used :Seeds,stem,leaves, fruit, and oil, from the seeds.
Contituents :Seeds yield an oil known as pongamia oil,
or honge oil.seeds also contain traces of an essential oil. bark contains bitter alkaloid.
Action :Seeds, leaves,root and oil are antiparasitic.
bark is astringent. powdered seeds are febrifuge and tonic
and have expectorant properties. Leaves are also cholagogue,
astringent, alterative,stimulant and parasiticide.oil is
antiseptic and stimulant.

117 Botany name :Psidium gujava
Tamil name :Koyya
HabitA :Small Tree
Parts used :Whole plant
Contituents :Bark contains tannin, resin and crystals of
calciuk oxalate. leaves contain a volatile oil.root stem-bark
and leaves contain a large amount of tannin acid. fruit are rich in vitamins.
Action :Stem bark and root-bark are astringent,
febrifuge and antiseptic. fruit is laxative, tonic and cooling.
leaves are astringent, diuretic and carminative.

118 Botany name:Ptychotis ajowan
Tamil name :Omam
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Fruit
Constituents :An aromatic volatile essential oil
Action :Seeds posses defusible,stimulant, stomachic,
carminative, tonic, aromatic,pungent, antispasmodic and antiseptic properties.

119 Botany name:Rauwolfia serpentina
Tamil name :Sharbaganthi
Habit :Climbing shrub
Parts used :Root
Constituents:Root contains an alkaloid “ophioxylin”
resin and wax.
Action :Root is a bitter, tonic ,febrifuge,
stimulant, sedatives, and hypnotic.

120 Botany name:Raphanus sativus
Tamil name : Mullangi
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Root, tuber, seeds and leaves.
Constituents:Fresh vegitable contains albuminoids, carbohydrates,
woody fibre, sulphur and phosphoric acid.
Action :Seeds and leaves are diuretic, laxative and
lithontripic. seeds are also emmenagogue. juice of the root
is antiscorbutic.

121 Botany name : Sarcostemma brevistigma
Tamil name : Kodikkalli
Habit : Twinning Herb
Parts used : Whole plant
Constituents : Intoxicating liquor is made from the
juice of the plant.
Action : Milky juice is anti-syphilitic and

122 Botany name : Sida rhomboidea
Tamil name : Arilvalmanai poondu
Habit : Herb
Parts used : Root and leaves
Constituents : An essential oil
Action : Leave and root are used in piles,
gonorrhoea, anti-sound, diuretic is also styptic
reolvent and analgesic.

123 Botany name:Solanum verbascifolium
Tamail Name :Sundaikkaai
Habit :Smal Tree
Parts used :Fresh and dried fruit,root.
Constituents:Alkaloid, sonanine,saponin.
Action : Expectorant, stomachic,germicide,
anti-cancer,and anti-rheumatic.

124 Botany name: Solanum Trilobatum
Tamil name :Thoodhuvelai
Habit :Climber
Parts used :Whole plant
Constituents:Leaves contain moisture, protien, minerals,
cruide fibre and other carbohydrates.
Action : Cardiac,tonic,carminative,stimulant,expectorant,diaphoretic
and aphrodisiac.

125 Botany name:Solanum xanthocarpum
Tamil name :Kandamkathari
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Whole plant
Constituents:A Gluco alkaloid termed as solanocarpine
Action :Plant is an expectorant, carminative and diuretic.
seeds are hydragogue. fruit is capestrol.

126 Botany name :Sphaeranthus indicus
Tamil name :Sivakaranthai
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Stems, leaves, and flowers, roots and seeds
Contituents :Stems contain oil. stems, leaves and flowers contain sphaeranthine.
Action :Herb is bitter,stomachic, stimulant,alterative,
pectoral and demulcent. root is anthelmitic.

127 Botany name :Sphaeranthus zeylanicus
Tamil name :Kottakkaranthai
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Whole plant
Contituents :Stems, leaves, flowers, roots and seeds
Action :Astringent, diuretic, stomachic, anti-spasmodic, anti-syphilitic and anti-emollient.

128 Botany name:Tamarindus indica
Tamil name :Puliyamaram
Habit :Tree
Parts used :Pulp of the fruit, seeds, leaves, flowers, and bark.
Constituents:Pulp contains tartanic acid, malic and
acetic acids, tartarate of potassium, invent sugar, gum
and pectin. seed contain a fixed oil and insoluble matter.
seedd contain albuminoids, fat, carbohydrates, fibre and
ash containing phosphorus and nitrogen.
Action :Unrip fruit is highly acid. pulp of ripe fruit which is sweet or acrid is cooling,
refrigerant, carminative,digestive, laxative, avaluable antiscorbutic
and antibilious. leaves are refrigerant. red outer covering
seed is a mild astringent and antibilious.

129 Botany name:Thea assamica
Tamil name :Theyilai
Habit :Shrub
Parts used :Tender leaves
Constituents:Dried leaves contains theine its chief alkaloid
wich is identical with caffine and tannin.
Action :Decoction of the dried powedered leaves is
stimulant, diuretic andastringent. in some it prevents
sleep and causes mental irritability.

130 Botany name:Thespesia populnea
Tamil name :Poovarasan
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Leaves, flowers, root bark and fruit.
Constituents:Seeds contains phosphoric acid and an oil.
Action :Leaves, flower and unripe fruit are
anthelmintic, emmenagogue, depurative and antiscorbutic.
root is tonic, antisphilitic and antirheumatic.

131 Botany name:Tribulus terrestris
Tamil name :Chirunerunjil
Habit :prostrate Herb
Parts used :Fruit, root and the entire plant
Constituents:Extract of the powdered fruit contains an
alkaloid, a resin, fat and mineral matter, the fruit contains
an alkaloid, a fixed oil, consisting unsaturated acids,
an essential oil, resins and nitrates.
Action :Leaves are stomachic, root is aperient
and tonic. plant and dried spiny fruit are cooling,
demulcent, diuretic, tonic and aphrodisiac, the diuretic
properties of the large quantities of the nitrates.

132 Botany name:Trigonella foenum-graceum
Tamil name :Vendayakkeerai
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Leaves and seeds
Constituents:Two alkaloids namely choline and trigonelline.
Action :Leaves are cooling and mild aperient.
refrigerant, laxative, stimulant and tonic.

133 Botany name:Vinca rosea
Tamil name :Nithyakalyani
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Flower, roots and leaves
Constituents:This herb contains 72 Alkaloids
Action :Plant is abhortifacient, lactifuge,
anti-haemerrhagic,tonic and vulnerary.

134 Botany name:Viola odorata
Tamil name :Oaridhal thamarai
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Leaves and flowers
Constituents:Flowers and leaves contain violin which
is an emetic principle
Action :Laxative, diuretic, lactogogue, tonic and demulcent.

135 Botany name:Vitex negundo
Tamil name :Nochchi
Habit :Shrub
Parts used :Root, fruit, flowers, leaves and bark.
Constituents:Leaves contain a colourless essentiol oil
fruits contain organic acid andtraces of an alkaloid.
Action :Leaves are externally antiparasitic and
discutient, internally alterative, aromatic, bitter,
vermifuge and anodine. root is tonic, febrifuge,
expectorant and diuretic. fruit is nervine, cephalic
and emmenagogue.

136 Botany name: Vitis quadrangularis
Tamil name :Pirandai
Habit :Creeper
Parts used :Leaves and young shoots.
Constituents:Stem contains calcium oxalate, carotene and
ascorbic acid.
Action :Leaves and shoots are powerful alteratives,
emmenagogue, stomachic and antireumatic.

137 Botany name:Wagatea spicata (Ornamental tree )
Tamil name :Puli nagak kondrai
Habit :Tree
Parts used :Bark and leaves
Action :Anti-scorbutic.

138 Botany name:Withania somnifera (Indian Ginseng)
Tamil name :Amukkara kizhangu
Habit :Shrub
Parts used :Root and leaves
Constituents:Plant contains a bitter alkaloid “somniferin”
having hypnotic property.
Action :Febrifuge, diuretic, alterative, deobstriuent,
hypnotic sedative, nutritive, aphrodisiac and nervine tonic.

139 Botany Nmae:Xanthium strumarium
Tamil name :Maruloomaththai
Habit :Herb,
Parts Used :whole plant
Constituents :Fruit contains fat,albuminoids,sugar and resin.
Action :whole plants is Diaphoretic,sedative,sudorific
and sialagogue,
Uses :The decoction of this plant is used as a
medicin in the periodic fever,arthiritics etc.
This is also used in Leucorrhoea.malaria,Dismenarrhoea etc.
The root of the plant made as tonic is ed t cure Leprosy.

140 Botany name:Zingiber officinale
Tamil nadu :Inji
Habit :Herb
Parts used :Rhizome
Constituents:Contains an aromatic oil. the essential oil and
resin, to which ginger owes its pungent flavour.
Action :Aromatic, carminative, stimulant to the
gastrointestinal tract and stomachic also sialagogue and digestive.